My Story

My name is Jimmy, and I want to share a little about my story.  

I have always dreamed big; I wanted to do something significant with my life to serve and help others.

However, I felt rejected from a young age and did not fit in anywhere. I got poor grades in high school and thought I couldn't do any better… especially in math. 

Public speaking has always been a challenge for me. I couldn't stop shaking when I had to talk to someone, and I always forgot the ideas I had in my mind due to nervousness and the constant thought that I would make a fool of myself. 

There were times in my adolescence when I thought that continuing to live did not make much sense, I did not have many achievements, and I could not finish the projects I started for fear of what others would say. 

The moment that began to generate a change in my life was the day I knew that Jesus wanted to be my friend, and I accepted him into my life. From then on, everything began to change.

Descubrí que mi propósito de vida era helping people and organizations find and reach their potential in Christ. 

I never felt alone again; I always had someone by my side when I was in trouble. He taught me the actual value of life, and I learned to value myself and others.

Jesus has the power to change our lives. Jesus is unique because two worlds merge in him: the heaven and the earth, the divine and the human.

Yes, his name is over all names, and the power he uses to create stars, calm down the storms and make miracles is unbeatable. However, he is also human, the intimate friend who knows what we are going through and intercedes on our behalf. The Bible calls him the "Emmanuel," God with us.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3.16

You are important to Jesus!

So does Jesus care about you? Yes, he does! How do we know this?

A menudo nos alejamos del amor de Dios por nuestra historia, nuestros fracasos y defectos. El pecado nos separó de Dios y nunca podremos compensar nuestro pecado por medio de nuestra propia superación o de nuestras buenas obras. Entonces, ¿cómo podemos aceptar lo que no nos hemos ganado?

The Bible says that nothing can tear us apart from the love of God in Jesus Christ, our Lord. And accepting God's love is trusting in his patient, indulgent and merciful attitude toward us. Only he has the power to free us from guilt, shame, and condemnation to give us whole lives. All we need to do is turn to him.

A new beginning!

Cuando le pides a Jesús que sea el Señor de tu vida vienes a ser parte su Reino, su plan y propósito. Cuando te vuelves de tus viejos caminos y le pides perdón por tus pecados, Él te regala una vida. 

Romans 10.9 says "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved".

La salvación es el regalo gratuito de Dios para nosotros y de esa manera nos convertimos en sus hijos. Es la aceptación en la familia de Dios y es un empoderamiento para vivir la vida completa y plenamente en Su Espíritu con el propósito de reflejar a Dios en el resto de su creación.

Would you want to follow that Jesus and ask him to become your friend?
You can choose it right now by praying a prayer of surrender to Jesus.

Dear Jesus, I pray this prayer because I know I have made a wrong living without you. I'm sorry, and I trust that you will forgive me. I accept your love and grace for me and ask you to be my Lord. Help me to believe in you and to love you every day, and help me to show the world how you are and how extraordinary your love is. 
In Jesus' name. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, contact me on Instagram!